This is the life... my sister and I are in Gibson's Landing taking in the Fibre Festival. Gibson's Landing is the setting of "the Beachcombers" and you don't have to be super-young to remember that show. According to our research (eating calmari and fish and chips at Molly's Reach) the Beachcombers ran from 1972 to 1990. Here is Barb, knitting in front of the Persephone (the real boat) from the show.

We took a walk down Molly's Lane, the sound stage for the Beachcombers and home to some very nice market shops. I asked my friend, Margaret, who grew up in and still lives in Gibson's Landing, about the filming of the show. Did they block off the street? Margaret told me that they had some people out directing traffic, but that was it. She said her dog was in one scene. The actors weren't pretentious and the show didn't interrupt the town life. Cool, eh?

While walking down the lane, we came across a pear tree. And today I saw two plum trees. Barb bought apricots from a roadside stand a braved the thorny branches to get at some ripe blackberries. Serious thorns! But the fruit is great and fresh and ripe.

We're taking classes and creating wonderful fibre-related items. We're meeting people and we're having a lot of fun. Gibson's Landing is a great place to have a festival. It's beautiful and warm and exotic. Life here is good.