Saturday, December 22, 2007

23 December 2008

Well, it's barely the 23rd of December. It still feels like a Saturday night to me but it's really Sunday morning. Time, I suppose, to be in bed sleeping. I'm up though, feeling like a rebel... watching movies and playing around on the web. I've been working on a pair of fair isle mittens and all I have left to do are the thumbs. Regardless, I spent good "thumb" time winding up yarn for my next project. There are sooooo many next projects; it's really hard to decide what to do next.

I should go to bed and get some rest. I have a long drive ahead of me later today. I won't be able to knit; instead I'll listen to podcasts and drink coffee while looking for deer on the snowy highway. Driving is another thing I like to do. As a kid, I hated travelling with my parents by car, but as an adult I really enjoy it. It's a good time to think. I find it strange that in order to find quiet time to sit and think, I have to go for long drives in my car. What with TV and family and books and my Game Boy and all the other entertainment I have at my disposal, it's the manual act (and the attention required) of driving that is my escape from all other distractions. And time to think. Profound thoughts, perhaps, to follow?

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